
华一代和华N代都还在干什么?为什么不敢公开痛斥印度裔的nepotism and so-called merit-based hiring?

Korean-American software engineer claims discrimination by Intel managers of Indian descent

After the meeting, the man told a fellow interviewer that Intel shouldn’t hire Ryu because he was “Korean, married, and had a child,” and added, “It would be easier to hire a younger, unmarried Indian man,” the suit alleged.

Still, Intel hired Ryu onto its system integration team, where he found “the demographics of the worksite and its management have been heavily skewed toward employees from India or people of Indian or south-Asian descent,” the suit claimed.

One manager in his team, of Indian origin, “openly favored the hiring and promotion of only employees from India, stating that ‘Indians work hard’ and ‘Indians are harder workers,’” the suit alleged. That manager also encouraged a supervisor to hire only Indian employees, the suit filed Wednesday claimed.



Intel的7nm是完犊子了 5年之内都够呛
工艺现在被台积和三星吊打 芯片设计方面 AMD在台积的加持下也要超过Intel了
想想这傻逼公司当年可是傲娇得很 中国人根本进不去其核心部门 只能说活该 就是下一个死科

留学生和华N代都还在干什么? 为什么不敢公开痛斥烙印裔的裙带关系和所谓的“择优录用”?
