亚麻NG 一轮VO

3 rounds of Online Assessment .

1st Round:
Debugging: 7 questions in 20 mins

2nd Round:
2 Coding Problems in 70 mins
Both were pretty easy. First one was a variation of 2d Matrix Search .
Second question was Critical Connections .

3rd Round:
2.5 hours Work Simulation and Logical Ability. This is the most important section. They’ll give you 4 hours for the work simulation, but takes only 1.5-2 hours. Focus on leadership principles for this.

Final Round:
One 30 min video interview. Interviewer was chill. I was only asked to explain my approach for the 2 problems in the coding round and he asked if I had other alternative approaches and the complexities of the approaches. No background or behavioral questions were asked, no coding exercise either.


我连OA2都没问,问了简历项目,也挂了 :joy:


https://leetcode.com/problems/merge-k-sorted-lists/ 变种
but instead of the linked lists you should merge the matrix rows (numbers in rows are sorted)

public ListNode mergeKLists(int[][] a) {

OA1 : Standarddebugging questions.
OA2 :

  1. DeepCopy of a linked list with random pointers
  2. Find a target number in a Matrix, Matrix is sorted incresing in column and row.

OA3: Email based behavioural questions

VO: Some standard behavioral questions and explain the code from OA1 and OA2 with some followup questions and its complexity.


Online Assessment

OA1: 7 Debugging Questions
OA2: 2 Questions from the LeetCode Amazon OA Questions Megathread
OA3: Virtual onsite with behavioral based on Leadership Principles plus 20+ logic questions

Final Round (1 Round, 30 Min)

OA2 Review - Go over solutions, what your compile errors were, and big O of each
Technical - What are the problems when creating a HashMap? (Messed up this part…)
One Behavioral - Tell me about yoursel

请问是社招还是new grad2020?


Given streaming data, find the median in the K Largest Top Elements.


K =. 3

[. 1] ->. 1
[1,2] -> for 1.5
[l, 2,3] -> 2
[1,2,3,1] -> 2
[1,2,3,1,10] -> 3

You have a String[] composed of words {bigsmallhuge, big, small, huge, smallhuge, other}.
Output in a List<List<String>> the possible formations that can be made from each other.

{{bigsmallhuge, big, small, huge},
{bigsmallhuge, big, smallhuge },
{smallhuge, small, huge}}


类似 LC240. Search a 2D Matrix II, all row and col direction are sorted, find all two sum pairs in matrix such that two sum equal to target.

[1, 4, 7, 11, 15],
[2, 5, 8, 12, 19],
[3, 6, 9, 16, 22],
[10, 13, 14, 17, 24],
[18, 21, 23, 26, 30]
given target=9, return [[1,8],[2,7],[3,6],[4,5]],
order does not matter, [3,6] are same as [6,3],do not include duplicate pair.
my idea is use hashmap, which cost O(mn) time.
follow-up: can you do better than O(mn).


Round 1 (OA) Debugging -> 6-7 easy questions
Round 2 (OA)
1.) 2 Coding questions easy and easy medium
2.) 15 Logical/Reasoning MCQs
Round 3 (OA) : 2 hours Work Simulation Round

Round 4(45 Video call on Amazon Chime):

  1. 15-20 mins behavioural questions
  2. 5 mins on questions on CS concept (about runtime and static polymorphism, BST and their use cases etc)
  3. (20-25mins)1 easy coding question - Median of BST ( Optimized error free code expected)


我考了grid problem
其实是 graph problem, -1 is obstacle,1 is tree need to cut, 0 is empty place you can walk through, after cut, tree can be walk through, you can start at any point and you can cut in any order, return minimum distance you have to walk to cut all the tree, if you cannot do that, return -1.

return 6
return 6

OA 1 - Debugging Round [20 mins]:
7 questions in C, C++ or Java to be solved in 20 minutes. Very easy to solve the questions

OA 2 - Technical Round [70 mins]:
2 Algorithm questions straight out of Amazon Online Assessment Questions. I got Merge Two Sorted Lists and Check if a Binary Tree is a subtree of another Tree. Very easy could be solved in 1/2hr max.

OA 3 - Work Style Simulation and Logical Reasoning Round [2.5 hours]:
This round has various work style simulations, which tests your decision making skills given any work related situation. This tests you on work principles, and how you would behave in a office setting. This is not much of a challenge as they are basically behavioural questions that are asked during other companies’ interview rounds. Following this there was logical reasoning round using asked in high school olympiads.Overall it was not challenging

1 Phone screen:
The interviewer just asked me to explain the code that I had written for OA2. Explained the solution quickly and the interview was over in about 15mins.

The number of rounds depend on OA2 and OA3, so you have to do really well in them. If you get 3 interviews, you will need to prepare well, but they will ask LC medium mostly. All the best for your interviews!


copy a binary tree with random pointers. For example:

    old:                                copied
	1                                     1
   / \             ------>               /  \
  2---3                                 2---3

node 2 has a random pointer to node 3 , and we will retain such structure in our copied result.
This problem is similar to leetcode 138, copy a linked list with random pointers. I solved such problem by using extra O(n) space complexity to maintain the connection between the original nodes and the new forked nodes. This was explained in details in the approach 1 in the solution board
I guess there is a nice O(1) solution similar to the approach 3, where the new nodes are initially inserted after the corresponding orignial nodes.




Online Assesment 1: Debugging Test

Online Assesment 2: Coding Challenge with 2 LC questions

Online Assesment 3: Work Simulation/Logic test

  • Completed this following my interpretation of the leadership principles


