Samsara 电面

# Create a class EngineStateEvent that models the state of the engine at a given time.
# The class should store the engine state and a timestamp.
# There are three potential engine states
# driving - engine is on and moving
# off - engine is off
# idle - engine is on and not moving
# This class must include a means of printing an EngineStateEvent as a string

# Create a class AlertProcessor. 
# AlertsProcessor should have a method processEvent, 
# which will process one event at a time out of a stream of events. 
# The stream of events will be strictly time-ordered, and the timestamps 
# will increase monotonically. All events will be for a single vehicle.
# processEvent will print "ALERT!" if the engine state changes to idle,
# and print "RESOLVED" when the engine state exits the idle state.
# processEvent may be called multiple times in a row for the same state,
# but should print a message only on state changes.

今天第一轮电面也是这题, 出的第三题是 modify AlertProcessor with a value minIdlePeriod, so that “ALERT!” will be printed if only the engine has been idling for a period >= minIdlePeriod. “ALERT!” should be printed only once during any continuous IDLE period. “RESOLVED” should be printed only if the engine state transitions from an IDLE period >= minIdlePeriod




我看了半天的题面, 感觉不就是在第二个class 里面加一个 var 记录车子当前的状态,然后新状态来了就看情况print value。 但是这也太简单了吧。不太敢相信。


估计是面试官心怀鬼胎 不打算让你过。 加油 move on吧


你也要面么。 我感觉就是 第二个 class 价格 var prevstate。 然后新state来了 就比较下, 如果旧的是 idle 新的不是 就print。 如果新的是idle 旧的不是 也 print 。
