脸熟 Data Engineer 上门挂经



SQL : Given schema about products, categories, customers, orders etc. Questions were like

  1. Query to get customers that dont have any orders
  2. Get top 3 customers for each product
  3. Get most ordered products for each category


  1. Buy Sell problem-1
  2. Get words in a sentence


  1. Whats your 90 day plan
  2. How do you prioritize
  3. What can you talk about in detail (I was not able to understand what was questioned, later it hit me that they want to know what are you passionate about)
  4. Why FB
  5. Why DE
  6. What is the goal of DE
  7. Diff between Data Engineer & Data Scientist


  1. Was given a line graph with a spike in month time line? What do you think happened? I gave 8 different reasons. The interviewer was looking for specific reason “new users”
  2. Given an table structure of identifying users as new/returned/churn/active. Create a table that would be cumulative. Again, the question was ambigous, the answer was FULL OUTER join.


  1. Coding:Write a service to implement scalable logging

Tech 3

  1. Design Uber DW schema
  2. Metrics to identify, why those, why not others
  3. Factors to consider if you want to launch in new market
  4. Vague sql question: Query to get trips for airport, how to get exclusive trips for/to airport.

I felt no question was asked directly. Perhaps they want to know how you approach given ambiguous or missing info.
It was very time consuming to understand what they want to solve.
The coding and sql complexity was easy-medium. The challenge was nothing was specific, depending on your answer the followup question would be asked.

I had a good discussion with the lunch buddy. She was very open about culture, working style, expectations, career growth
She confirmed that SWE folks rule and are respected more than DE/DS. Promotions, career velocity and compensation is not that great for a DE as SWE.

Interview Feedback
They said they didnt find enough “Product Sense” in my answers.
SQL & Coding was okay.

Onsite Experience was good. Since I flew from Seattle to SFO, there was lot of time lost. They should have Onsite in Seattle that would be really helpful.

Advice to other candidates

  1. Read Ralph Kimball DW book, solve all LC sql questions, solve easy n med in LC for programming
  2. Think like a PM specifically for FB (metrics, prioritization, how to infer data)

Good Luck !