亚麻SDE1 first round coding interview from campus

I have recently given first round coding interview from campus…
It was on mettl platform
The test was pretty easy for someone who knew basics of DSA and problem solving.

There were two sections
Section 1- 2 Coding Questions ( Different questions for all of my peers )
Section 2- 28 MCQs (All were related to DSA or C programming …NO questions from os ,dbms etc.)

Section 1

First question
Given a flattened matrix and no. of rows and columns find the sum of maximum row sum and maximum column sum.
Pretty easy!

Second Question
There was a struct(named Result) defined with a member function and a member array
Given an integer n as the no. of bus stops.
And an array of integers in which a[i] denotes the no. of buses that can be boarded from the ith bus stop.
You have to return a Result with member array as the no. of buses originating from every ith bus stop.
Given that each bus originating at ith bus stop would go to bus stops with index as multiples of i.

Hint- Like sieve of erathnoses

Section 2

MCQs that I remember

  1. IF a stack is implemented using 2 queues such that Push operation is O(1) then find the no. of enqueues and dequeues that are needed do-
  2. given a sequence to be inserted in a bst
  3. switch case in c
  4. string input and ouptut in c
  5. etc.
