
Almost every round had the following pattern

  1. Tell me about yourself
  2. 1 or 2 LP(leadership principles) / behavioral questions based on how long the answer is
  3. Coding/Design question

Note : I am pooling the LP questions from all the rounds together

LP(leadership principles) / behavioral questions :

  1. Give an example of a case when you failed delivering a project, how and when did you alert the stake holders, how did they receive it, what did you learn?
  2. Give an example of something you build or did that helped the customer
  3. Explain a situation where you disagreed with manager on a decision, how did the discussion go?
  4. Describe a time when you had a make a decision to trade off speed with ‘doing the right thing’ or viceversa
  5. Share a scenario when you had to hold off delivering something needed quickly because by doing so it wouldn’t meet the standards of your team’s work. How did you convince the stakeholders about this?
  6. Give an example of something you did proactively, no one realized it was needed and that helped the team. Follow up : How did you measure the improvement?

Round1 (Hiring Manager) :

  1. LP questions 1 and 2 above

Round 2:

  1. Word ladder https://leetcode.com/problems/word-ladder/

Round 3 (System Design):

  1. LP question 3 and 4 above
  2. Design Version control system for machine learning models.
    I asked for follow up questions and these are the details from that:
    The system is for continuous training of machine learning models. It will be used by data scientist to train their models. It should maintain version of models and let the users define the data sources, provide the model, define how the model is trained.

Round 4:

  1. Explain architecture of a system you worked on and is there anything you would do to improve it?
    It went like: Explain the high level architecture, then talk about what you worked on in particular and talk about improvements you made in the system, how did you debug some issues, what you could have done better, what do you think needs improvement, given a change what changes will you make to the architecture/design
  2. Find a number in a sorted shifted array https://leetcode.com/problems/search-in-rotated-sorted-array/
    Follow up: Pros and Cons of Iterative approach vs recursion.

Round 5:

  1. LP question 5 and 6 above
  2. Planogram - shelves and products. Given shelves of various sizes and products of various sizes, place the products with minimum space wastage