[OPT] 分享模版 - 如何跟公司说OPT EAD延迟要退后入职

眼看着OPT EAD卡不能按时拿到了,今天跟公司说明了情况。公司也很通情达理的说表示理解。看到好几个同学在问,分享一下我写的邮件,仅供参考。有语法错误请指出来吼。


Hi [manager name] and [HR name],

Hope you are enjoying the summer time!

I can’t wait to join the team. Here I want to give you a quick update on my OPT EAD card status (Optional Practical Training Employment Authorization Document), which enables me to legally work and get paid in the US.

In prior years, the maximum time for US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to process an EAD card was 90 days, and it was rare to exceed 80 days. Therefore I submitted my application on XXX (XXX days prior to my start date). However, I recently noticed that the processing is extremely slow this year and the average wait time is around 110 days (ranges from 88 to 123 days according to an online tracker).

I am still hopeful to receive the EAD card before XXX, but also want to give you a heads up on the potential delays (XXX weeks). If the card do not arrive before XXX, is it possible to push my start date back a little bit?

Sorry for any inconvenience, I will update you once I hear from USCIS. Please also feel free to let me know if there is anything I can do.

[your name]