状态: New grad, MS EE University of Cincinnati, Ohio
职位: Application Support Engineer
地点: Natick, Massachusetts
Questions on syntax of any two programming languages - Java, C/C++, Python, Matlab, Javascript
On-Site Interview
- Technical Interview(2 hours)
- Questions on Machine Learning/Digital image processing(how does convolution in an image work?)
- Signal Processing basics ( convolution, nyquist theorem, Fourier Transforms, Z transforms, pole/zero plots)
- Matlab debugging questions
- C++ coding reverse the nodes of a linked list k at a time
- Remove duplicates from a linked list
- Dynamic programming question https://leetcode.com/problems/unique-paths/
- Manager Round (1 hour)
- Lunch Interview (2 hours)
- HR round (1 hour)
Interviewer was clear on his questions and guided in case of deviation from his requirements and listened to my coding approach.