Google Software Engineer in Taipei

Status: Three years experience in cell phone company
Position: thelephony framework software engineer
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Date: April 4, 2019 - current (?)

  1. Recruiter reaching out via 15 minutes phone call to discuss the position and previous experience
  2. Recruiter asked 5 questions about telephony framework or cellular network knowledge. (30 minutes)
    e.g. How to check network state via logcat log?
    Or some questions about android framework,
    e.g. Activity, AMR … etc.
    => I think this position is sutible for someone who is familiar with phone.
  3. Technical phone screening (45 minutes)
    Manager asked flows of phone initial and inheritance relationship.
    “How to negotiate with modem team and design new feature?”
    "Could you write test code? "
  4. Coding test 1 (45 minutes)
  5. Coding test 2 (45 minutes)
    Medium level
    But I think my answer sucks. haha …

Some suggestions:
You can focus on medium level and java structure.
If you are experienced in telephony, submit your resume NOW!

Hope this article is helpful. haha …