Google ChromeOS Software Engineer

Status: 10 years of working experience in large companies
Position: Google ChromeOS Software Engineer
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Time: 2018/03

Recruiter Phone Screen (45 minutes):
10 questions ranging from linux basic commands, C, C++, Java, Python, Algorithm, OS, and etc.
If you pass the basic questions, you can have further interview oppotunities

1st Phone Interview (45 minutes):
A->B 0.6, B->C 0.5, A->D 1.2
f(A, C, input) return 0.3
build your own data structure and write the function
There would be further questions.

2nd Phone Interview (45 minutes):
Check if a string expression is correct or not (no parentheses, no division).
For example: “1 + 22 * 3 = 23 * 2 + 41 - 1”

It’s interesting that 2nd phone interview was done in Madarin instead of English…
Anyway, they thought my solution to 2nd phone interview was not the best so no luck to an onsite interview