Facebook Onsite Interview Experience

I was contacted by FB recruiter via email.
Round 1: Recruiter call - Telephonic
Asked questions on Big O for various Data Structures and algorithms.
one code question - How to remove duplicates from a list

She immediately said I am through for the next round and asked me to pick a date.

Round 2 - Video call with FB Engineer - 45 min - coderpad
Small intro of the interviewer and he asked me to go through my resume.
Question 1: LeetCode - The World's Leading Online Programming Learning Platform
Question 2: LeetCode - The World's Leading Online Programming Learning Platform
Big O for both questions

Got feedback in a couple of days and was invited onsite for interview


Round 1: coding
Question 1: LeetCode - The World's Leading Online Programming Learning Platform was asked to return the count of zeroes after moving 0’s to the end
was asked to write down the steps after every iteration
Question 2: calculate tax if Salary and Tax Brackets are given as list in the form
[ [10000, 0.3],[20000, 0.2], [30000, 0.1], [null, .1]]
null being rest of the salary
Big O for both questions

Round 2: coding
Question 1: Was given a string and check if we can rearrange the string as a palindrome
Question 2: input char array consistes of ‘W’ and ‘H’ for week day and holiday respectively, and an
int n
we can change ‘W’ to ‘H’ n times and return the longest continoust subarray consisting ‘H’
Big O for both questions

Half an hour break with an Engineer

Round 3: System Design
There are music providers like spotify, apple music etc ,
Design a service for these providers to display top 10 songs played by each user
Was aked to write ER tables and API’s

Round 4: Behavior type with a coding question at the end
normal behavior questions
Coding: Given a BST and two values p, q -> return an int which is sum of all the values between p and q inclusively

Round 5: Manager
Talked about previous experience and challenges

Every intervier introducded themselves in the beginning and asked me about previous exp etc
Gave me a chance to ask questions at the end.
Eveyone was friendly and I had positive experience

Question 1: Was given a string and check if we can rearrange the string as a palindrome


Question 2: input char array consistes of ‘W’ and ‘H’ for week day and holiday respectively, and an
int n. We can change ‘W’ to ‘H’ n times and return the longest continoust subarray consisting ‘H’

Sliding window similar to LeetCode - The World's Leading Online Programming Learning Platform

Given a BST and two values p, q -> return an int which is sum of all the values between p and q inclusively
