Amazon SDE2 Onsite Interview

Status: 4 years of experience, MS in Computer Science
Position: SDE2 at Amazon
Location: Seattle, WA
Date: April, 2019

Online Assessment (1.5 hour):

LC easy (Math)
LC medium (Heap)
Approach analysis including time and space complexity
Onsite (4 rounds, 1 hour each):

System oriented design and leadership principles (Bar Raiser)
– Their work related log handling system
Algorithm question and leadership principles
– LC hard (HashMap) but with limited conditions (so LC medium level difficulty)
Algorithm question and leadership principles
– LC medium (HashSet & sorting). Then follow up is a LC hard (sorting), but no need to implement
Algorithm question and leadership principles
– LC medium (Greedy). Then follow up is a LC hard (DP), but no need to implement
This hiring event started at 8 am and ended at noon, no lunch was provided. The team is very young and friendly. The gave out the result within the same day.

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