Goldman Sachs Summer Analyst Intern interview

Status: Master student in CS major
Position: Summer Analyst Intern at Goldman Sachs
Location: New York, NY
Date: October 20, 2018

1st technical onsite (45 min):

  1. 6-8 Behavior Questions in 15 min
    Java basic knowledge, such as difference between iteration and recursion, talk about some data structures you like, etc.
    Easy algorithms questions but you need to write solution on a paper, they don’t care about Bug Free, logic is much more important

2nd technical onsite (45 min):

  1. 6-8 Behavior Questions in 15 min
    write solution on paper and explain time space complexity
    Ask about your project or work experience in resume, such as why choose some framework, what’s the benefit to use some tech stacks, etc. You need to know some high level designs of frameworks in your resume.

Prepare some examples for Behavior Questions in advance since Goldman Sachs really likes asking this.
Don’t worry about algorithms questions, if you also prepare for other big tech companies, you will find it very easy at Goldman Sachs interview.
Got offer several days after this onsite interview, but normally result comes in 2 weeks.
The rate of return offer is very high, if you want to go to a FinTech company and you love NY, this choice is not bad.