

You were evaluated as the winner of today’s 5-billionth search query a few minutes ago by our system!

Our last winner was Brad Jenkins from Brussels, Belgium, who won a Samsung KU6179 Ultra HD TV on 14.05.2018 with his 5-billionth Search.

We are proud to announce that you are our next winner.

Every time the 5-billionth search is reached, we proclaim a winner and reset the counter.

You may choose one of three hidden prizes below. In addition, you will be entered in our Hall of Fame and receive a winner’s certificate.

Behind every blue cup is a prize. Click on a prize cup to uncover it.

For technical reasons, we are not allowed to keep your invitation open for more than 15 minutes. Choose one of the prizes below and follow the instructions on your screen.

lmao…… new tab类型的病毒广告………我的妈呀这年头还有人要问这个么

应该是假的,如果有兴趣的话可以查看网站域名和certificate。如果域名和cert 都是谷歌的话那就应该查看是不是安装malicious 的插件了。理论上如果可以在你的https网页里插入custom code 的话那说明你在那个页面上看到和输入的东西都不保险,可能被监视或盗取。