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太阁DS401 深度学习TensorFlow - Deep Learning from Scratch
官网 https://www.bittiger.io/livecourses/ivpDsS2zY9g7PburL
近年来,深度学习在各领域的应用上突飞猛进,也受到大家广泛的瞩目,但如何从零开始?此课程针对没有深度学习实作经验的与会者所举办,希望以从学中做、做中学的方式,让大家快速了解深度学习,并应用到现实工作中会遇到的问题上。此课程主题包含两部分: (1) 介绍深度学习中缺一不可的各种要素,以及 (2) 动手建立你的第一个深度学习模组 。每堂课涵盖的script会开放给学员下载,一方便各位学员实际操作、联系。第一堂课的大纲如下:
What is deep learning and what are successful stories?
Why is deep learning different from machine learning and traditional statistics?
What are the essential concepts and skills that a “deep learner” should possess?
Why this class will help you succeed in your technical career (job hunting or starting up your own company, etc)?
Finally we introduce the agenda of DS-401: class contents and project details.
讲解深度学习基本模型 Feedforward Neural Network (FNN)
设计、调整并部署 Feedforward Neural Network 所需要的概念及技术
简介下两堂课内容: FNN, CNN, RNN
- 讲解深度学习基本且重要的知识与观念
a. Functionality of deep learning
b. Important applications of deep learning
c. Dataset representation and preprocessing
d. Forward evaluation
e. Backward propagation
f. Training, testing and cross-validation - 设计、调整并部署 Feedforward Neural Network 所需要的概念及技术
a. Network structure
b. Activation function
c. Loss function
d. Dropout
e. Regularization
示范操作 TensorFlow+Keras on iPython
示范设计第一个 Feedforward Neural Network 模型
第二堂课 (3小时)
训练 (train) Feedforward Neural Network 所需要的概念及技术
熟悉深度学习所生成的 embedding space 及经典应用: word embedding
讲解深度学习进阶模型: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
- 训练 (train) Feedforward Neural Network 所需要的概念及技术
a. Minibatch
b. Stochastic gradient descent
c. Learning rate
d. Adagrad - 熟悉深度学习所产生的embedding space 及经典应用: word embedding
a. Understanding embedding space by using word embedding as example
b. Applications from word embedding
c. Variants to train a word embedding
3. 理解深度学习进阶模型: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
a. Why CNN for images?
b. Convolutional layer (filter)
c. Zero padding
d. Channels: grey-scale v.s. colorful images
e. Max-pooling
f. Flattening
- 示范对资料及模型的操作:in TensorFlow + Keras。
a. Get familiar with MNIST dataset
b. Pre-process dataset - 设计、调整并部署FNN 深度学习模型 in TensorFlow + Keras。
a. Design network structure: tower v.s. pyramid
b. Change activation function: is ReLU the best?
c. Select loss function
d. Dropout: when, where and how often?
e. L1 and L2 Regularization: what are the effects?
3. 运用feedforward neural network 产生 word embedding
a. Get familiar with text representation and news dataset
b. Design and train a FNN
c. Examine the word embedding
设计、调整并部署Convolutional Neural Network 所需要的概念及技能
讲解深度学习进阶模型: Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
- 设计、调整并部署 Convolutional Neural Network 所需要的概念及技能
a. Selection of the number and size of filters
b. Variants: Inception-net
c. Variants: Res-net
d. Variants: DEVISE for co-training images and texts.
2. 讲解深度学习进阶模型: Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
a. Network with memory
b. Gradient diminish and explosion
c. Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)
d. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
- 示范设计、调整并部署CNN 模型 in TensorFlow + Keras。
a. Revisit MNIST dataset
b. Design convolutional layers (filters)
c. Visualize convolutional layers
d. Compare results
2. 分析并比较 CNN 所产生出的 embeddings。
a. Play with different CNN variants
3. 示范设计LSTM以及其最新应用:文章生成
Dr. 阮巨城
Software Engineer
卡内基梅隆大学 (Carnegie Mellon University) 电机电脑工程博士学位,以及机器学习硕士学位。论文方向为 “结合机器学习及专家系统以分析及提升计算效能”。来美国以前,于台湾国立清华大学获得计算机学士学位,并服务于台湾中央研究院约一年,主要工作内容为分析基因序列与data mining。 来美后于 Intel Research 工作,主要内容为使用 machine learning 及 data analytics 分析晶片良率。现于 Google Research 工作,主要内容为改良 semi-supervised learning 以及 deep learning 的演算法及效能。