面试过后 Follow up 时间线及模板一览表

Follow up: 不管是你刚刚参加完Networking,还是有了个电话面试,还是说实打实地去onsite,亦或是跟manager一起愉快共进lunch,follow up 都是必不可少的。

小编自己就曾经很困惑,我为什么要Follow up? 自己好好表现不就行了,整啥这些幺蛾子,整天花里胡哨的……不如好好提升自己的实力,后来,天真的小编才发现,提升实力很重要,但当别人不仅提升了实力,还选择积极地Networking的时候,我们不仅输在了起跑线,还随身携带了一个非常自以为是的debuff:我觉得实力更重要,我才不屑于Networking呢哼。

言归正传,简单介绍一下Follow up 的几个好处。


2.给你机会去问更多问题,可能在面试时,由于时间有限,不能让你问完所有问题,但是没关系,我们有Follow up email啊!虽然不能可劲儿的问,但是挑那么一两个关键问题,让面试官对你刮目相看,也是极好的。

3.让面试官记住你。在别人没有注意到Follow up重要性的时候,只有你去Follow up了,礼貌的措辞,得体的书写,一下子让面试官记住了:这个小伙子/小姑娘不错哦。






Subject: Following Up on [Position Title] Application

Hi [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I hope all is well. I know how busy you probably are, but I recently applied for the [position title] position and wanted to check in on your decision timeline. I am excited about the opportunity to join [company name] and help [bring in new clients/anything else awesome you would be doing] with your team.

Please let me know if it would be helpful for me to provide any additional information as you move on to the next stage in the hiring process.

I look forward to hearing from you,

[Your Name]


时机: 在同一天Follow-up.



Subject: Thanks for your time today!

Hi [Hiring Manager’s Name],

Thank you again for talking with me today, I really appreciated learning more about your work as title of position and your experience at Company Name. Working with such an autonomous quality team within a company that I truly admire would be an incredible learning experience, and I would love the opportunity to prove that I’m a great fit for the role.

Attached is a title of project that I created while working for previous company. I’ve also attached my resume as well as a cover letter to demonstrate why I want to work for Company Name and how I align with the culture. Finally, below is a link to my website where you can see more of my publications and projects.

Let me know if you have any questions about anything or if you’d like me to send anything else. I look forward to hearing back from you!



On site面试后


与电话面试相似,现场面试也是可以在当天就follow-up的。因为无论如何你都是要在面试后发给面试官一个邮件谢谢ta的时间,所以最好在这个时候直接加上你的follow-up message。



Subject: Thank you, name!

Hi [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you so much for meeting with me today. It was such a pleasure to learn more about the team and position, and I’m very excited about the opportunity to join [company name] and help [bring in new clients / develop world-class-content / anything else awesome you would be doing] with your team.

I look forward to hearing from you about the next steps in the hiring process, and please do not hesitate to contact me if I can provide additional information.

Best regards,

[Your Name]


时间点: 至少等5-7个工作日再Follow up

面试结束,“thank you” email之后,苦苦等待N天之后,终于等来了一封:“We’re working on sorting through candidates. I’ll be in touch when I have an update.”


  • 如果你得到了另一份工作的offer,那么你大可以去联系这家公司的面试官,让ta知道你是很抢手的,有另一份工作正在等你决定,如果再往后谈,甚至可以Argue一下工资哦。

  • 如果你等待了足够长的时间(5-7个工作日)还是没有得到任何进程更新的信息,那么这时候发邮件去问问情况是完全没问题的!

Subject: Checking in

Hi [Interviewer’s Name],

It has been two weeks since we last spoke about title of position. At the time, you mentioned that you were looking for a hard-working, organized salesperson and a qualities required in role. I’m still very interested in working with your team at Company Name, and I would love to prove to you that I not only meet those qualifications, but also exceed them.

My list of specific qualities are just a few of the qualities that define me. Perhaps we could meet again to chat more about how I can help Company Name or team reach objective.

I understand if the position has already been filled, but I wanted to reiterate my enthusiasm about working with such an incredible group of people at Company Name. If the role is no longer available, would you mind providing feedback on what I can improve upon in the future? And if you’re ever looking for help with ______, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you,

[Your Name]

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