

上周我遇到了一位表现极其失常(希望只是失常)的同学,也是我多年来第一次在10分钟以内主动结束面试,并且深深觉得浪费了自己的时间。我会隐去一些细节以保护当事人隐私。拿出来分享,意在引以为戒,而不是嘲讽,烦请assume good intention。


一位全美Top10学校的PHD candidate(即将毕业)在linkedin上找到我,求internship机会。


事先约好时间的phone screening。


Me: Hello.

Candidate(简称C): Hello… (破绽一:迟疑,胆怯,声音很小。完全没有面试该有的主动和精神劲儿,连this is XXX都没有。)

Me: this is 半糖 from xxx company.

C: Hi… (破绽二:到这个时候仍然不自我介绍??)

Me: …are you XXX?

C: Yes. (这次没有迟疑,可是,继续冷场)


Me: So, how can I help you?

C: I was wondering if you guys have xxx opening. (破绽三:常识,此处应该先介绍自己,然后再问opportunity)

Me: (无奈的)can you tell me a bit about your background?

C: I have xxx degree and am currently PHD candidate of xxx at xxx University. I did internship at xxx company. Because you are similar companies, so I reached out to see if you can offer me xxx intership. (破绽四:其实这些简历上都写了,面试官更在意的应该是你有什么样的skillset。比如说,我在xxx实习过,主要做xxx analysis,我的长处是yyy。)

====到此,30秒左右,我已经确定,我不会hire这个candidate, even as an intern。可是我没想到,接下来的对话更加尴尬,近乎让人火大====

Me: what kind of positions are you interested in?

C: eventually I want to be a PM. But I figured I can start doing xxx analysis and then be a PM later on. (地雷一:在事先email沟通过,知道我招的是xxx analyst却上来就说想做PM,正常的HM的第一反应都会是,你把我这儿当什么了?)


对方仍不依不饶:but PM needs to work with xxx analysts, so knowing xxx must be helpful to be PM. I can learn so much bla bla bla…(地雷二:公司不是搞慈善,请focus在自己能给公司带来什么,而不是公司招了你,能让你学这学那(虽然老板愿意花钱花精力让你学),还能让你以后转行做PM!况且,这个逻辑。。比如,建筑师画图纸,然后工程队盖房子,那么,工程队的同志们是不是都该先去学建筑??)



so you worked at xxx company as an intern, what kind of projects did you work on?



Sorry, I can’t tell you because of confidentiality reasons. (WTH?? then how do you expect your interviewer to offer you a job without knowing what you did?? ) 原谅我,当时有一种天雷滚滚的感觉。

这时对方大概也觉得不太好,就补充说,I can only say I did some analysis to help figure out sales volume increase。(此处的subject稍有替换。可是,对方仍然没有告诉我Ta到底有什么skillset)

====此处跑题一下,去竞争对手处面试其实是非常常见的,除非你转行。如何保有work ethic不泄密,又能很好的回答问题呢?首先要知道面试官也不是为了刺探你们公司的情报,而更注重你在讲这个事情的过程中,体现了自己的技术上有什么能力,沟通是否顺畅。而关于具体数字细节,你完全可以忽略,或者直接说,I‘m gonna make up some numbers。大家都会非常理解。我本人真的是第一次听到这样的回答,说实话有种非常insulting的感觉,对方把我当成什么人了。====

这个时候大概说了10分钟不到,我实在受不了了,就说,can i give you some honest feedback? I don’t think we have a fit here, and I don’t hear any passion either. I think you should focus on telling me your strengths, your skill set, instead of saying how much you want the job because you can learn so much. Also I suggest you reconsider your options as where you want to be. I think this is it for today. You may find me harsh but this is how I think can make you better. I really hope you do better in future interviews. Alright?

中间对方并未死心,当我说no fit的时候试图问我Could you tell me what kind of candidate you are looking for? (死缠烂打非常不明智,这个时候,应该问could you provide me any feedback on what to improve)

最后在说过Good luck之后挂了电话。我是真心希望这位同学能够学到些什么。


  • 一定要懒散,不主动,声音低落
  • 多强调自己想在公司得到各种好处,比如学新技能,涨工资,以后还可以跳槽干自己喜欢的事情;绝口不提自己有啥技能可以贡献给公司
  • 如果能使出上文里天雷滚滚的大招KO面试官,包你立刻心想事成,想撤多快就能撤多快!