亚麻new grad三轮video onsite

10/24号面了两轮,一轮面试官oncall没来 reschedule到上周一

  1. 白人小哥是个QA转的 dev, 上来给一个string,swap 每个word的第一个和最后一个单词,秒,然后问了一堆corner case,和一些数据结构的对比 比如HASHMAP VS ARRAY, linkedlist vs double linkedlist,然后问了一堆BQ

  2. senior sde 烙印Amazon lab的,上来两题,number island 返回一个list,里面是每个岛的size, 接着就是find median in data stream,多了一个remove() api,20分钟内秒完 然后问了bq.

  3. 烙印,是个manager,名字贼长,迟到了五分钟左右,全程BQ, 什么tell me a time when you make decision without your manager and mentor之类的 反正就各种挖坑的问题,给我跳,这老哥全程一直都在challenge我,一直爱抓细节问,追根刨底的那种。

Tell me a time you made a decision without your manager or mentor
What is your most interesting bug?
Tell me a time you make something innovative
Tell me a time you take a risk but fail? What could you do better if you can do it again?
Tell me a time you have a conflict with your teammate
What is the most challenging project you have done? What did you learn from it?
Why would you prefer using this tech stack over different tech stack?

按照亚麻 leadership principle答就好了!
