square onsite 最新 面经

Square的面试都是在iMac上pair programming,一般要求自己写class,method,还有测试。

  1. Assign students to classes/teachers in a school as evenly as possible.
    Followup: teachers have preferences on students and classes can be full. How to assign. Some students can be left unassigned if all classes are full.

  2. Restaurant loyalty program: three levels (bronze, silver, gold). Customers start at bronze level and can upgrade to silver and gold. Silver needs 2 visits, gold need 3+ visits. Customers can be friends. If one customer upgrades from silver -> gold, his/her friends need to be upgraded by 1 level.
    Follow-up: how to make the program flexible to add new levels without having to change existing customers.

  3. design a hotel [booking] system support booking, room searching, etc.

感谢分享! 请问第三轮是要写code还是白板上设计一下?

白板上设计, 面试前hr就已经告诉了design题目


感觉题目好难… 自己的差距还好大

请问楼主第一题follow up怎么做的呀?谢谢!


