SIG 电面面经,共三轮


  1. 我和你每个人有两个骰子,同时扔骰。如果你扔的筛子中的两个数字有任意一个和我掷出的相同,我赢1刀。如果你扔的两个数字均和我掷出的不同,你赢1刀。请问你要不要玩这个游戏?

  2. Youand I each has 3 coins. We start to toss and count the number ofhead. If we have the same number, I win $2, and if different you win$1. Will you play this game?

sol: Iwin probabilities: (1/8)^2+ (3/8)^2 + (3/8)^2 + (1/8)^2 = 20/64;
my expectation 220/64 – 1(1-20/64) < 0 ,you will play

  1. 3 horse, racing, you could buy ticket 1 dollar to bet on each horsewin. The profit you could win from the three are 2,4, and 6 dollars,how do you play this game?

  2. Generate a uniformly distribution in a disk;
    The expectation of generatingZ= 1000 points, the number fall in the disk;
    Thestandard deviation of Z;

  3. A^2 has rank 0, the rank of A?

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Quant researcher