Microrsoft Azure SDE Redmond L59

Education: MS
Years of Experience: 1+ years of relevant experience. Overall ~3 years of expereience (2 years in India)

Date of the Offer: 20 Dec 2019
Company: MS Azure
Title/Level: L59
Location: Redmond / Bellevue

Initial Offer:::

base Salary: 115,000$
Relocation Bonus: 2500$ + paid relocation services (cars, boxes, upto 30 days of temp housing etc)
Signing : 20k$
Stock bonus: 80k$ over 4 years

Benefits: usual Microsoft benefits

Other details:
I think I have been low balled (same as many with Microsoft). I am gonna def negotiate.
First of all L59 is not cool. I am gonna push for L61 hard. Worst case will settle for L60.