帮朋友问一下new grad expedia 包裹多少

朋友上周五 面了 expedia new grad 今天收到邮件offer
Q: Can I negotiate my pay, start and end date or location?

A: No, all aspects of the offer is non-negotiable. Your location preference will be considered; however, we cannot guarantee that you will be offered your first choice.
没有给 确实的包裹
所以想问下 new grad 包裹是多少
我在网站搜索 有个SDE1 的包裹 但他有 2年work experience

所以想问下 会和他不一样
美本, 然后master
有实习 teaching assistant research assistant


请问您知道 具体能低多少么,
他说 non-negotiable, 就真的没法compete 了么
因为朋友还有别的offer 所以有点纠结
但他很想去 西雅图 唉

我看其他论坛上的包好像12-13k啊, 我也想知道,你朋友包差不多这个级别吗

不知道诶, 他现在 还没收到 offer 具体 的email
就是 收到说
We were very impressed with your skills and background and we are so excited to extend you an offer! You will be receiving your offer within the next week via DocuSign. Please check your junk / spam folder if you do not receive anything within 1 week. Once you sign the offer, we will follow up with you for next steps.
具体 package 应该在 下封邮件里面

还没收到 offer 具体 的email
就是 收到 过了 会给offer 邮件
We were very impressed with your skills and background and we are so excited to extend you an offer! You will be receiving your offer within the next week via DocuSign. Please check your junk / spam folder if you do not receive anything within 1 week. Once you sign the offer, we will follow up with you for next steps.
具体 package 应该在 下封邮件里面

new grad他家在西雅图不算高。但是听说活少,所以钱也少点。如果心里还惦记着flag,算是个还不错的跳板