capital one intern 全过程 没OA

1st interview CODING PART:
3 questions (you can choose which order to go in)
DESIGN Question:
Tell me about how you would design a Customer account with debit cards and credit cards attached to the account. Basic OOP concepts, know inheritance, polymorphism, and they prefer it to be in Java.

1ST Coding Question:
Given an array of words such as [“cat”, “dog”, “dog”]
and given an array of patterns such as [“a”, “b”, “b”]
return True if the words map to patterns
(such as cat maps to a, dog maps to b, and we return True since all patterns match)

[“cat”, “dog”, “dog”]
[“a”, “b”, “b”]
returns False

[“hat”, “mat”, “kick”]
[“a”, “b”, “a”]
returns False

[“hat”, “mat”, “kick”]
[“a”, “b”, “c”]
returns True

def isPattern(words, pattern):
Trick is to use 2 hashmaps

2ND Coding Question:
Given an input of US Dollars, convert to Euro currency and then count the minimum amount of coins needed to reach this value.
Greedy algorithm, just a while loop until the amount is 0, adding to amount and subtracting by the highest coin we can use at the moment.

Next part of Interview:
Case Study:
“What are the challenges with incorporating a new company?”
I just talked about having to have a consistent coding style and file structure, so changes to be made on this, including documentation.
“Look at this code and design a truth table”
Given 3 parameters which are all booleans, determine how many possible scenarios?
Answer is 2^3 so 8.
Basically reading confusing code such as “not True” to throw you off, and variables as inputs, assigning a truth table to all 8 scenarios.
Should be simple

Last interview:
“Tell me about a time when you explained technical concepts to a non-technical person”
I struggled a lot on this since I was trying to think of a specific instance (they don’t want a generalized).
“Tell me about a time you worked on a project you enjoyed and why”
“What did you learn from this project”
“What did you learn about yourself”
And then we talked about life in general and I asked questions about Capital One and it was over.