Twitter 上门过经

Twitter 总共面了两次onsite, 第一次behavior面的不好, 但由于tech轮反馈很好于是recruiter给我match了另一个组, 再和另一组的人面了一场system design。


  1. system design, kv store, 要实现3个method, set, get, delete。着重讨论数据如何存取以及replication, load balancing, durability, how to add/delete hosts inthe cluster, metrics to monitor, estimate request latency.

  2. Coding. Auto complete system, 用trie实现, follow 是如何deleteword from trie 和 achieve concurrency.

  3. Behavior,从简历上每一段经历开始讲起(even internship and grad school), why didyou do this, how do you like it, what did you learn, what’s your feedback,what’s your weakness

第二个组只面了system design

Design twitter news feed

面完第二周recuiter 联系说可以followup with offer, 我报了几个其他offer的数据点,第二天recruiter 表示实在无法match…

总体上来说twitter的systemdesign质量还是比较高,推荐看下"design data intensiveapplication" part 1 and part 2。

两个组:第一个是storage, 第二个是health