
Status: Junior, BS CS Top 3 CS school, 5+ yrs coding, Interned@FANGS&small company, Cofouded startup
Position: SWE Intern at Facebook
Location: San Francisco, CA
Date: November 19, 0219

店面 (45 min):

  • Behavioral questions
    • Tell me about your work experience
  • Algorithm question
    • https://leetcode.com/problems/serialize-and-deserialize-binary-tree/
      Performance: The interviewer was nice in guiding me through the problem. I finished more than half the question and didn’t have time to complete the deserialization part which was mostly pseudocode in the end. I was supposed to be given accomodations as a result of a recent disability, so they decided to move me to the next round anyway.

第二轮店面 (1 hr 15 min) (Accommodations):

  • Behavioral questions
    • Tell me about your work experience
    • Do you contribute to open source?
  • Algorithm question


  1. Initially incredibly discouraged and befuddled by the results. Second round I had received harder questions than others and still solved them correctly and quickly. Still was rejected in an instant.
  2. For someone who usually emphasizes the soft skills and lacks the technical in these technical interviews, this was one of my better performances holistically.

Learning lessons:

  1. Cannot count your chickens before they hatch
  2. Communication is always important as some of these engineers can be passive diks. idk lol