亚麻 New Grad 西雅图上门


Online Assesment

Optimal Utilization
Amazon Music

Given tuples of (worker_id, num_hours_worked) find the top K workers ranked by number o hours worked.
Eg: Given
(1, 30), (2, 20), (1, 40), (3, 10) k = 2
Result = [1, 2]

LP Questions
Design a HashSet with Expiry time.
Methods to be implemented

boolean contains(int key)
boolean add(key)
boolean removeExpiredKeys()

Came up with simple HashMap solution first.Was asked to optimixxe for removeExpiredKeys. Then came up with a solution using both HashMap and PriorityQueue.


Design an EventManager class and Subscriber class.
Subscriber class can subscribe to a specific event with event Id.
Rough outline of my solution

class EventManager() {
	HashMap<integer, List<Subscriber> subscriber ;
	subscribe(Subscriber subscriber, int eventId) {
		// add this to the hashmap
	unsubscribe(Subscriber subscriber, int eventId) {
		// remove this from the hashmap
	createEvent(int eventId) {
	// create the event and call Subscriber. action() method for all its subscribers

interface Subscriber {
	action() {

I had to ask a lot of clarifying questions because his question was very vague.
And he followed up with a few questions on concurrency issues etc.

LP Questions
Given a log of (customer_id, page_visited). Find the most visited 3-page sequence.

Given log
[1, 30]
[1, 31]
[1, 32]
[1, 33]
[2, 40]
[2, 41]
[2, 42]
[3, 30]
[3, 31]
[3, 32]
[1, 45]
[2, 43]
Answer: [30, 31, 32]


Full on LP questions with Hiring manager - I think this is a very crucial round. I was asked a lot of LP questions with a lot of follow up questions.

All the interviews were on Whiteboard.