
OA1 : October 13th
OA2 : October 14th (https://leetcode.com/problems/k-closest-points-to-origin/ & https://leetcode.com/problems/most-common-word/)
OA3 : October 17th
Interview invitation : November 11th
Interview : November 22nd

Interviewer started by introducing himself then asked me to tell him about myself then started with the technical question. (no LP behavioural)

Question wasn’t on Leetcode.

Assume numbers from 1-26 map to all lowercase letters. (Eg. 1->a, 2->b, 3->c … 11->k, 12->l, 13->m). Given an sequence of numbers, return the all possible words you can make from that sequence.

Example: Input: 123
output: [“abc”, “lc”, “aw”]
abc : 1->a, 2->b, 3->c lc : 12->l & 3->c aw : 1->a & 23->w

You can assume you have a helper function numberToLetter(int number) that returns the corresponding letter

I stumbled a lot coming up with the algorithm to solve it. Eventually I got a partial itterative solution. It had unaligned brackets, missed a couple edge cases that I pointed out but didnt have time to write the checks for. Ultimately when time ran short I went through an example of how my function would work. He told me he got what I was trying to do but its better to solve this question with recurssion. I took a stab at recursion for 5 minutes at the end and couldn’t hack it. He explained how it should be solved and asked if I had any questions.

Rejection : November 25th (next business day)