
Convoy Data Scientist 面经。


shipment_id | shipper_id | date_time | pickup_state | dropoff_state

前两道都是基本的group by / where可以搞定。


  1. Deep dive into experiments design:

How to measure the test performance?

How long should a test last for / when to stop an experiment?

If a stakeholder wants to run some tests which you think may not be worthwhile, how do you deal with them?

  1. How to measure the success of a Referral program?

Follow-ups: is there any limitation on any of the metrics you mentioned

感觉公司挺看重culture fit和工作经验的,面试官不止一次的提到说“Convoy has a very complicated business”。公司节奏挺快,周六HR发来了OA,周一通知进入下一轮,周五电面,过了个周末就发据信了。很效率。

请问第二轮技术面第一问Deep dive into experiments design:是给一个a/b testing case还是单纯问概念? 如果是case的话需要计算吗?先谢谢楼主!
