

30 mins LP and 30 mins Coding

LP: Tell me a time when you disagreed with your manager. And 1 more question I don’t remember.

Coding: Get most clicked product for each category. Each category has multiple products.
Category ex: Food, Clothes, Book
Created Product class with following members: Category, Product Id & Clicks

  1. Product p1 = new Product(“Food”, 1, 100)
  2. Product p2 = new Product(“Clothes”, 2, 700)
  3. Product p3 = new Product(“Books”, 3, 120)
  4. Product p4 = new Product(“Books”, 4, 130)

共5轮,每轮45分钟. 1 System Design + LP, 3 Coding + LP, 1 LP (with Hiring Manager)

System Design:
Design monitoring & notification system. Assume you have a stream for a small to mid sized company.

Given an input string: aaabbc. Shuffle them such that no 2 characters are touching each other. If such shuffle is not possible, then throw exception.
Output: ababac.
If input is aaaabb, then throw exception.
Closest LC: https://leetcode.com/problems/task-scheduler/

Create a binary tree that contains sorted and unique list of words from a text document.
Basically input is List.
Solution was to implement 2 methods: buildTree(List) and getSortedUniqueWords(TreeNode root). 2nd method is inorder traversal.

Given a search term and a webpage: find the shortest substring in webpage that contains all search terms. https://leetcode.com/problems/minimum-window-substring/


  1. Time when you came up with novel solution.
  2. Received negative feedback from manager and how you responded.
  3. Time when you went above and beyond your job responsibilities.
  4. Time when you did not have enough data and had to use judgement to make decision.
  5. Time when you helped someone in their work.
  6. Time when you helped someone grow in career and it benefited them.
  7. Time when you helped someone grow but did not benefit them.
  8. Time when you were 75% through a project and realized you had the wrong goal.
  9. Time when your team members were not supporting something but you pushed and went for a more optimal solution.
  10. Time when you pushed back a decision from your management for better long term benefits.
  11. Time when you failed to meet your commitment.

Each interview had 50% of time for LP questions & remaining 50% for Coding/System Design. 1 interview with HM was fully LP.