VISA Sr. Software Engineer 新加坡过经

Status : Software Engineer with 2.5 years of professional experience
Position : Sr. Software Engineer
Location : Singapore
Date : August 2017

Online Assesment: 2hr

  • String Similarity: For 2 strings A and B, find length of longest prefix common to both Similar problem: Longest Common Prefix
  • K-subsequences: Subsequence of consecutive elements (n elements), sum of subsequence element is divisible by k Similar problem: Subarray Sums Divisible by K
  • Most Frequent Substring: Given a string s, want to know the maximum no of occurrences of any substring tht satisfies: substring’s length within inclusive range minL to maxL, total no of unique char in substring does not exceed maxUnq. maxL
  • IP Address validation: given n strings we have to determine if it is a valid Internet Protocol addresses Protocol Similar Problem: Validate IP address

Round 1: 1hr

Round 2: 1hr

Round 3: 1hr

  • What are virtual functions ?
  • What is runtime and compile time polymorphism ?
  • How are virtual functions implemented ?
  • How do they work in compile phase ?
  • What does it mean to have a log n complexity of algorithm ?
  • What constraints are needed for binary search to work ?

Round 4: 1hr Behavioral Interview