亚麻NG SDE 1过经

New Grad, BS CS

Start Date : March 2nd, 2020

Online Assessment (3 轮) :
OA 1 - Debugging [20m]:
7 questions in C, C++ or Java. They were mostly 1-line fixes (changing a < to >, fixing parentheses, etc.). Stay calm and you’ll do fine. I got 7/7 correct.

OA 2 - Technical [70m]:
2 algorithm questions from the Amazon Online Assessment Questions post. I got Search 2D Matrix and Linked List Deep Copy with Random Pointer. I solved both very quickly and passed all test cases.
There is a short survey at the end with behavioral questions (keep Leadership Principles in mind when answering) with slider options.

OA 3 - Work Simulation and Logical Reasoning [3h]:
Keep the Leadership Principles in front of you during this section. It’s tedious but straightforward. Afterwards, you have 35 minutes to solve 25 questions (basically like an IQ test). You can’t really prepare for this, just make sure you’re answering them quickly because there’s not much time.

一轮VO :
I got lucky and only had a 1-round virtual interview through Chime. I did get a perfect score on the OAs, but I have seen many exceptions (1-round without perfect scores and 3-rounds with perfect scores).

It lasted ~20m. The interviewer introduced himself and explained what his team does. I was then asked to explain my approaches to the OA 2 questions, discuss alternative solutions, and analyze time/space complexity. At the end, he asked if I had any questions (what is a day in the life like, what are your favorite/least favorite aspects of working at Amazon, etc.) and we said goodbye.

Timeline :
Applied: September 6th, 2019
Received OA 1: September 20th, 2019
Completed OA 1: September 23rd, 2019
Received OA 2: September 25th, 2019
Completed OA 2: September 25th, 2019
Received OA 3: September 26th, 2019
Completed OA 3: September 26th, 2019
Received “passed all OAs” email: October 3rd, 2019
Received virtual interview invitation: November 1st, 2019
Received virtual interview invitation (had to reschedule): November 4th, 2019
Received virtual interview confirmation: November 4th, 2019
Virtual interview: November 11th, 2019
Received offer: November 13th, 2019

包裹 :
$112k base salary
$26k/$22k sign-on bonus (years 1-2)
$80k RSUs (5%/15%/40%/40%) (years 1-4)
$6.8k relocation