
上周面的,一周后接到HR电话说过啦 为onsite攒人品!

题目:word extension。 面经题

Assumption: regular words contain 2 or fewer of the same chars in a row, and word extensions contain 3 or more of the smae char in a row.
Given an input string, represting a word, write a method to finds the start and end indices of all extensions in the word.

“hellooooo” -> [(4,8)]
“helllooooo” -> [(2,4), (5,9)]

写完之后让我想几个corner case, 我问数字标点可不可以出现,比如“666!!!”, 大小写区不区分,比如 “zZZZzzz",还有的corner case就是“hahahahaha",这种同一字符超过2个但不是 in a row的,再有就是最普遍的空字符串“”。

然后follow up:

Assume that you have an API is_dictionar_word(s): returns True if the word s is in the dictionary.

Write a method: bool is_extended_dictionary_word(s) which returns:
True if is_dictionary_word(s) == True
True if you collapse all the extensions in the word, and it is a dictionary word
False otherwise



is_dictionary_word(“hello”) ->True

可以用之前那部分写的函数返回的s中extention的indices。用DFS解的,问时间的复杂度,答2^m (m是s中extension的数量),因为一个extension可以collpase成一个字母或两个字母,都要试一下是不是is_dictionary_word。
