Bloomberg NG 挂经





  • Design two classes:
    • Document that keep tracks of pages. Method to add a page, and one to retrieve a page.
    • Page that keeps tracks the order of words on that page. Method to add words.
      Return a list of words, in order, with their respective page numbers, in order.



Phone Screen (1 hr?):

First On Campus (1 hr):

Second On Campus (1 hr):

Final Round On Campus:

  • Problem solving round (~45 min)
    • Question:
    • Tips:
      • Start out running through a few examples starting from 1
      • You’ll see when n is 1, 2, 4, 8, and so on, that the remaining person is always 1 (the first person)
      • You can use this to give a formula for the solution which is better than brute force
      • Remember this question is asked to see your thought process so clearly elaborate what you are thinking and be able to explain what you are doing
      • If you get this easily, be ready for follow ups, such as what if k = 2.
      • A close but not quite leetcode question is elimination game (
    • Possible ways to reach solution:
      • Using closest number underneath n -> 2(n - lgn) + 1
        • ex) n = 100
          • Closest number underneath where solution is 1 would be 64 -> lg n
          • to get from 64 to 100 would be 36 -> n - lgn
          • Advance 2 people for each (Move one person, kill one person) so 36 * 2 -> 2(n - lgn)
          • The steps are move one, kill one, so we have just killed person 72. The next person is 73 -> 2(n - lgn) + 1
      • Using closest number above n -> n - (2lgn - n) + 1, which is the same as 2(n - lgn) + 1
        • ex) n = 100
          • Closest number above is 128 -> 2lgn
          • Find the difference. 128 - 100 = 28 -> 2lgn - n
          • Apply difference. 100 - 28 = 72 -> n - (2lg - n)
          • Move over one. 72 + 1 = 73 -> n - (2lg2 - n) + 1
  • Behavioral (Forgot duration)
    • Tell me about yourself, why Bloomberg, the usual.