Bloomberg NG 店面

Initial 15 minutes - resume and experience
Then, one technical question on coderpad:
Assume you have a CPU, where you can use only 2 operations - multiply by 2 or integer division by 3. Please calculate the minimum number of steps required to generate ‘n’ from 1.
Note - division by 3 is an integer, that is, 10 / 3 = 3
eg: 10 - 1 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 / 3 X 2
Ans - 6 steps, as we have used 5 multiplications by 2, and one division by 3
eg: 3 - 1 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 / 3 / 3
Ans - 7 steps, as we have used 5 multiplications by 2 and 2 divisions by 3.



Remove ints from an array.

int_array = [-8, 3, -5, 1, 51, 56, 0, -5, 29, 43, 78, 75, 32, 76, 73, 76]
ranges = [[5, 8], [10, 13], [3, 6], [20, 25]]
// ans: [-8,3,-5,29,43,76,73,76]

Remove ints from an array.


Input: array = [-8, 3, -5, 1, 51, 56, 0, -5, 29, 43, 78, 75, 32, 76, 73, 76], ranges = [[5, 8], [10, 13], [3, 6], [20, 25]]
Output: [-8, 3, -5, 29, 43, 76, 73, 76]

Find the kth missing element in a sorted array.

Example 1:

Input: [1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10], k = 3
Output: 7

Example 2:

Input: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], k = 2
Output: 7

Bloomberg 店面是 45 分钟,已经告知过了
Interview started off with discussion on resume and projects, and soon after that, I was asked 2 questions -

The interview lasted for a bit more time (~50 mins), but the interviewer was nice enough not to end abruptly, and also spoke after that about the work being done at Bloomberg.