
8月初申请, 8月底拿到OA, 10月1日通知过了,10月16 VO


1: Debugging Questions
2: Subtree of another tree, Favorite Genres (both in Sithis’s list of OA questions)
3. Work simulation and logic questions


一轮,about 20 minutes with a manager. I was just asked to go over and explain my answers and thought process for part 2 of the online assessment. It had been over a month since I had taken the OA though and I feel as though I tripped up a lot with my explanation because I didn’t really remember my thought process or the questions. I think I pulled it together for the second OA question I had to explain, but I doubt the first one could have been much worse (unless I didn’t explain it at all ). I found it difficult to keep track of all the hashmaps involved in favorite genres while simultaneously remembering my thought process and verbally explaining to the interviewer. I was also asked a number of follow up questions about different approaches I thought of initially, and problems I had. I was able to come up with a few issues I had, but it seemed as though they were looking for more. I found the online assessment questions fairly straightforward from the get go though (finished them both in < 30 minutes) so I didn’t have too much to offer here.

I previously was offered an internship at Amazon and declined, so I think I maybe was fast tracked to shorter and easier final round. I almost wish I had the regular three round experience though because then the interview wouldn’t have been based as much on how well I remembered code I wrote over a month ago. I’m awaiting a decision now, but feel as though it will probably be a no given my poor explanations. What do you guys think?

Hopefully this helps someone else who’s only getting one round for the final interview. Be sure to review the problems that you got on the OA so you’re ready to explain them!