Bloomberg GSE UK 挂经

Status : New grad, Masters in Computer Science from Top 20 CS universities
Position : Graduate Software Engineer @Bloomberg
Location : United Kingdom
Date : October 2019

I only reached phone interview stage. It was 45 minutes long and consisted of:

  • [5-10 minutes] Questions on CV: tell me more about yourself, why Computer Science?, tell me about your recent projects, which languages do you prefer and why, what is your strongest programming language
  • [15-25 minutes] Only one coding question - solve in any language you prefer. Followed by a follow-up to that question without actually having to implement it. Discuss time and space complexity of the solution. See details below.
  • [5-10 minutes] Ask the interviewer any questions about them or the company

Overall impressions: Interviewer was a Senior Software Engineer. He tried to be helpful but never pointed out any mistakes I might have made (since I implemented a valid solution, but did not progress to the next stage of the recruiting process - clearly there must have been something wrong I did which he did not mention about in order to give me a chance to re-think and eventually reach the correct answer.) I believe it was not hard at all but I could have done better if I had practiced more beforehand. Three days after the interview I received a rejection email. (no feedback provided - normal for this stage of the recruiting process).

Coding question:
Consider a “binary string” such as: 0110 - it consists of either 0 or 1 but also can be longer or less than 4 characters
Now imagine we swap a character in the string for “wildcard” (represented by ? ) - i.e. 01?0
A wildcard evaluates to 0 or 1 .
Task: Print out all possible permutations of that string with the wildcard.
Sample Input and Outputs:

  • input: 01?0 => output: ["0110", "0100"]
  • input: 0??0 => output: ["0100", "0110", "0010", "0000"]

Explain time and space complexity of your solution. Can that be improved?

Follow-up: How would you change your code if a wildcard can evaluate to numbers of 0 to 9 ? How would that affect time and space complexity of your code? (P.S. Interviewer did not actually want me to implement the solution, but rather explain it to him with words).

[My Solution] I am providing the solution I implemented in the 20 minutes I had. I would appreciate if you could rate it and discuss its time and space complexity (which I am unsure about). I would also love to hear any suggestions on how to improve my code or read about a completely different and better approach to the problem.

Implemented in JavaScript:

let output = [];
let input = "0??0";
let charArray = input.split('');

function compose(str, num, charArray) {
	if(num == 0 || num == 1) {
		str += num;
	for(let i = 0; i < charArray.length; i++) {
		if(charArray[i] == "?") {
			charArray = charArray.slice(i+1, charArray.length);
			compose(str, 1, charArray);
			compose(str, 0, charArray);
		} else {
			str += charArray[i];
	if(str.length == input.length) {

compose("", null, charArray);
// Print answer
console.log(`${input} => ${output}`);