亚麻University Grad 3轮VO挂经

Online Assessment

Easy debugging questions in Java/C/C++ ( You can choose the language you are comfortable with)

2 Coding Questions - Do not remember both actually
My friend got
https://leetcode.com/problems/merge-two-sorted-lists/ &&
variation of https://leetcode.com/problems/critical-connections-in-a-network/

Easy simple math / IQ questions

Final Interview Rounds (on Amazon Chime or Amazon’s skype whatever you want to call it)

Round 1
Description : SDE 2 from AWS . Was not quite responsive in between coding sessions which added to the nervousness but you get people like this now and then.

Tell me about yourself?

Tell me about your university projects ?

Let’s solve a coding question now .
Question I got https://leetcode.com/problems/longest-substring-without-repeating-characters/

My response - First started with O(N^3) solution as I was not sure about the optimized solution. Then slowly started solving more test cases and I think I was able to think about a O(2*N) solution but I later realized I hadn’t coded it quite well. In the end when asked about time complexity I first messed it up by saying O(N^2) but quickly said sorry and changed to the correct time complexity. I wish leetcode users practised writing time complexity in their codes!

Round 2
Desc - SDE 2 from Amazon.com . He looked sad about Amazon which added to the nervousness more. Helpful though. In the end he evern mentioned the workload is too much sometimes which is a con of working at Amazon.

Question I got - Assume you are building a system that assigns Ids to every person that needs an id. Condition - A dead person’s Id is reusable. This means if you have assigned Ids 1,2,3 to live persons and then a person with Id 2 dies, then the next person who requires an Id gets an Id of 2 not 4.

My response - First I did not understand it . Then he started guiding me. First implement the function of giving the id to live people . Implement the function to make an id resuable after a person dies. Merge the 2 functions. I was using counter and heap. Messed up with the time complexity of heap insertion and removal. Got nervous and went on to mess up time complexity of list append!

Asked behavioral question from his notepad or something like that - Tell me about a time when you went beyond your area of responsibility and performed well?

Round 3

Description - Software Development Manager at Amazon.com . Cool guy until he started asking follow ups for his questions.

Question I got - Implement peek(), push(),pop(),min() operations

Response - Provided him with O(1) solution for each . Then he started asking about max(), minpop() and maxpop(). I messed up time complexity of heap again.

Asked behavioral question - Tell me about a time when you were unable to find a solution to a complicated problem and you had to consult your manager/senior engineer?

Overall it was an okay experience. People who interview us , especially the indian folks need to help the one who is being interviewed by making them comfortable. Some are non responsive while we explain them our thought process. As someone being interviewed, I was getting confused whether I am even going in the right direction or not.

可以问下楼主 oa 完成多久收到recruiter 联系了么
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