
Min swaps to make palindrome

Ships are aligned in layers, with following conditions:
Each ship has value(v)
Each ship in a layer is followed by [v^2+1]%M ships,with values from 0 to ([v^2+1]%M)-1
The first ship has value v=2
M is constant given as argument
Find The Total number of ships %M in all layers
Output:1 //One layer thus only 1 ship

linkedin 上 微软hr 找的我 让我参加一个什么hire event. 1月25日的event

我发这个贴主要是想问一下,我到底找没找对面经? 面经是不是在求职+找工 >美国面经 的目录下面。我翻了几十页的论坛页面, 找了几十页的面经也没看到我面的那几题。 而且连面试题型都不一样。

第一题 : Given N horizontal and vertical line segments, find all intersections.

第二题: Find the least common ancestor for 2 numbers in BST

第三题: Find a sequence with max sum in an array of negative and positive real numbers

没有任何其他的详细解释,每道题就这么一句话。我也没见到什么debug 一类的题。

第一题我只是隐约的在好多好多年前的大学时候见过这个东西,我也没找到 “leetcode”原题。这题在OA一个小时里面现写真的做不到啊。

第二题是leetcode 原题

第三题啊。。这个sequ‍‌‍‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‍‌‍‌‍ence 是要连续的还是不连续的,这个我不知道。 要是不连续的就好简单,要是连续的,没想出来这么做。。 不过后来也没时间了,第一题难倒了我。

Given an Array A consisting of N Strings, calculate the length of the longest string S such that :
-> S is a concatenation of some of the Strings from A.
-> every letter in S is different.

Example -
A = [“co”,“dil”,“ity”] , function should return 5, resulting string S could be codil , dilco, coity,ityco
A = [“abc”,“kkk”,“def”,“csv”] , returns 6 , resulting Strings S could be abcdef , defabc, defcsv , csvdef
A = [“abc”,“ade”,“akl”] , return 0 , impossible to concatenate as letters wont be unique.

N is [1…8] ; A consists of lowercase English letters ; sum of length of strings in A does not exceed 100.

There is an array of White (W) and Red balls ®. You can swaps two balls which are next to each other. Minimum number of swaps require to make them in consistant segment.


ans : 4 ( WWWWWRRRW) - below is 4 swap operations.


example 2

ans: 2 (WRRRWW) Please see below 2 swaps

  1. WRRW RW
  2. WRR RW W

Microsoft is one of my dream companies to join and I have prepared a lot for past 8 months for giving interviews in top five companies, I have recently given 2 online assesments for Micorsoft hiring events with 1 month gap (cool down period). Below are the screenshots of my questions and answers of one of the exams. I have initially prepared all the Microsoft OA questions in Leetcode and prepared my own solutions in Python3 in my local editor. To my delight I got same and super easy questions that I have prepared in both the exams and I could write near to perfect code but unfortunately I got the rejection emails on both the exams within 24 hours of my submission. I heard that MS genrerally sends the exam to the Software engineers for the evaluation. I wrote both of my exams on Sundays and I got the result on next Monday around 2 pm PT which makes me feel that my test has not even reached till an engineer and might have been rejected by the OJ (purely my assumption, I might be wrong). I am kinda going crazy as I am not able to figure out what the exact problem is. Also the MS recruiters would generally send the feeback on rejection but in my case neither of the both recruiters have given me any feedback. Can someone understand what the issue here is by looking at the screenshots that I have attached below. Sorry, I am typically helpless and had to post this. I am badly looking for some feedback so that I won’t repeat my mistakes next time. Thanks in advance.


My answer (passed all the visible test cases):


My answer (Passed all the visible test cases):


My answer (Passed all the visible test cases)

Addionally I wrote some comments in the code and also wrote the time + space complexity for each question in the exam.

(For simplicity I am not posting my second OA question and answers but I again got familiar questions and was able to write near to perfect solutions for all the questions in my OA2 too and got rejected in the exact same manner).

Possible reasons why I might have failed?

  1. I worte near perfect solutions to all the questions and that might have raised doubts on copying? (Counter arguement: But candidates might get known questions)
  2. I have given my test in python with a few lambdas but MS uses mostly C++/C# (Counter arguemnent: The test is promised to be a language agnostic test)
  3. The positions for the event might have been filled up? (Counter argument: But the recruiter did not communicate that)
  4. There might have been plagiarism reported in the system? (Counter argument: But the recruiter did not communicate that)

Please help guys! Thanks in advance.