Wayfair Analytics OA



  1. SQL question

  2. General Programming 很简单的数字变化,给553,数字变化有三种情况,355,535,553,输出最⼤结果就是553
    Please pick either the SQL question or the General programming question, you are not required to complete both! Please ensure to complete all formatting in our browser, copy/paste is not permitted & visible to us.

  3. Open-ended question focused on business acumen ⽼题了,2 day shipping, 1 day shipping, how to measure the increase

  4. analytics exercise that will require you to manipulate a data set 冰淇淋老题

Both 3 & 4 are required.

感谢分享! 请问一下Q4是需要写代码给出分析结果或者可视化出来还是说只要给思路就行呀?


您好!请问做完题下一轮的1小时的video interview里的30分钟case大概是什么呢?和task3像吗?

我没有收到什么video interview 诶。。。