求一个twilio 网上测试的截图

我看了解说 有点没懂什么意思 请问有人能给个截图或者发个例子吗??

  1. Given two arrays of strings, one containing the prefixes (area code) and one with a long string of numbers (phone numbers), return the longest prefix corresponding to all phone numbers. Input : Area Code: [“213”, “21358”, “1234”, “12”]
    Phone Numbers: [“21349049”, “1204539492”, “123490485904”]
    Output : [‘213’, ‘12’, ‘1234’]
    Solution : Use Trie to store all the prefix strings and then search for the phone numbers in the prefix tree (This solution passed all test cases)
    Note : Keep in mind that Phone Numbers array can be very long
  2. The second question consisted of three parts:
  • Run time of the first question
  • Is there a better solution?
  • When will you use naive solution and when will you use optimized solution?
  1. Input is a string of characters that represents a text message. You need to segment this message into chunks of messages each of length 160 characters and add suffix “(1/5)” (representing pagination) at the end of each segmented message (Length of “(1/5)” is included in 160 length limit).

Input: “njdksjfn jdfnds kjfdklsjf jsdofjsd f jdslkjfgdslkngdslkjg fljksdjflsfdsjfdslkfjdslkfmdsklmfgn ljsdglkdsfg d lkjgdslkgjdsljgdslkjgdsfjngds lkjsdlkgjdsgkldsjgsdlkg lkjdslkgjdslkgjdslgmnds glkjgdslkjgdslkjfgodsjfds g,mdsgkjdsngdlsknfgldsjfglkdsjfglkdsjglkdsjglkdsgjdsklgjdslk lkgjdslkgfjdslkgjdslkgjdsljfgdslkgjmdslkg kljghjdslkjgdslkjfg”

Output: [‘njdksjfn jdfnds kjfdklsjf jsdofjsd f jdslkjfgdslkngdslkjg fljksdjflsfdsjfdslkfjdslkfmdsklmfgn ljsdglkdsfg d lkjgdslkgjdsljgdslkjgdsfjngds (1/3)’, ‘lkjsdlkgjdsgkldsjgsdlkg lkjdslkgjdslkgjdslgmnds glkjgdslkjgdslkjfgodsjfds g,mdsgkjdsngdlsknfgldsjfglkdsjfglkdsjglkdsjglkdsgjdsklgjdslk (2/3)’, ‘lkgjdslkgfjdslkgjdslkgjdsljfgdslkgjmdslkg kljghjdslkjgdslkjfg(3/3)’]

Bonus Points : Pass the large test cases of question 3 without using split() function.