脸熟 E4 上门过经

E4 地点 MPK
我有4年工作经验,目前是 SDE 1
面的是 Generalist E4

店面 : https://leetcode.com/discuss/interview-question/358505/Facebook-or-Phone-Screen-or-Longest-Substring-with-K-Distinct-Chars

第一轮 (Coding) :

  1. determine if the given string is a valid integer.
    This is very similar to AtoI but an easier version - https://leetcode.com/problems/string-to-integer-atoi/
  2. What is the complexity of finding the max value of an element in an array
    Big O, Big Theta, Big Omega

第二轮 (系统设计) :
Design a live reload feature for Instagram comments (new comments appear instantly)


第三轮 (Coding) :

  1. Given an array find if it is monotonically increasing or not
  2. Find the contiguous subarray sum equal to K
    https://leetcode.com/problems/continuous-subarray-sum/ however negatives were allowed in the input

第四轮 (Behavioral) :

  1. Behavioral questions like greatest technical challenge, interpersonal challenge, etc
  2. Given an array of words, find which pairs of words form palidromes

第五轮 (coding) :

  1. Find a binary tree’s boundary(perimeter) nodes
  2. Count the number of islands in a 2D array (diagonal movements allowed)
    https://leetcode.com/problems/number-of-islands/ , went into indepth discussion of iterative vs recursive solution, and optimizing recursive calls (bounds checking before recursing)

第六轮 (coding) :

  1. Add two numbers
    https://leetcode.com/problems/add-two-numbers/ the digits were stored in a list and in non-reverse order. Could be negative numbers ex ["-",“1”,“3”]
  2. Subtract two numbers
    Same as above but subtracting the two numbers instead of adding