Visa Data Science数据科学一面电面面经

本人金融工程背景,有4年四大M&A咨询经验,处在promotion year并且公司正在办绿卡,但是因目前做的东西市场偏小,还考虑到如果继续做2年后拿到I140跳槽选择面会很窄,所以决心在绿卡开始办的时候跳槽。下面是朋友内推后拿到第一个Visa data scientist电面的面经:面试官是一个Visa的data scientist,不是Manage

He introduced himself and the team

He asked me to introduce myself (I was cut off after 5 mins and finished talking about one rotation project) 这里总结一下自我介绍不能太长,因为我一开始以为这第一面是想要了解我做过的东西,但是其实面试官要留10分钟左右时间问SQL的题

Why do you want to switch jobs?

Why did you choose Visa?

Rate your SQL skills from 1-5

SQL Q1 – difference between Inner Join and Outer Join

SQL Q2 – There’'s a column of random numbers from 0 to 100, one number can have multiple rows, how to categorize each number such that 0-25 = A, 25-50 = B, etc.

SQL Q3 – How do you find the 25th , median, 75th percentile, etc.

SQL Q4 – How to find median without using median function

10/12面试,11/2收到二面的通知,Schedule了这周四(11/8)二面,Recruiter说如果二面通过会在11/16 on site。大概就是这样,希望对大家有用。另外欢迎有Visa家经验的朋友交流二面的经验!

所以楼主能大概讲一下这几题怎么做嘛 谢谢!

面了,不过申的是new grad, 想问假如说说自己SQL水平大概是3 会不会就被拒了…

哈喽~祝层主顺利通过,请问new grad的问题也是和这些差不多吗?