
Given a dictionary of friends like
0 is friends with 1,2,3
1 is friends with 4,5
3 is friends with 6,7,8,9
5 is friends with 1,2,9

What is the cheapest way for 0 to be friends with 9 ? Note that every introduction has a cost.
The cost is defined as (for path 0-5-9)= > (5-0) + (9-5) = 9

有一堆experience 格式是 [start, end, interest]
问在一天时间内找到所有能参加的experience 并且interest总和最大
问时间空间复杂度 followup打出参加了哪些experience.
dp做的 过了

是2020 new grad的职位吗?


想问下楼主的时间线 内推投了一直没有人鸟哈哈哈