
这真的是新鲜出炉,楼主刚刚做的hirevue recorded interview Oct 20th本人PhD in Applied Math
9月下旬GS来campus visit info session,当时交了Resume,但HR说大家都要网申,于是:
9月底提交了 application。 一周后收到了OA,有2个coding 题和11个math 题,都非常简单(做完才发现论坛里都有orz)之后一直没有消息,以为已经被默剧。
然而几天前,10月18号收到的hirevue 的email, DDL是Oct 21st(FYI:我研究了一下,意思就是Oct 21 midnight之前完成就可以)点开email可以选择进入面试,然后有practice or interview,要注意的是,正式面试之前可以有2个practice question,讲完可以自己看recording,但是给的是3min回答时间,不要被骗了,实际interview只有2min!
一共有6道题,每题有30s思考时间,之后是2min的recording time,提前讲完可以自己按结束。
前4题是Behavioral Question,完全没有问什么自我介绍或者Why GS之类的问题,亏我读了半天的what we are what we do,blabla

  1. What would you do if you receive an confidential email from the professor that was intended for another student?
    Describe your thought process. What would you say to the professor? How would they receive your action?
  2. Describe a time when you were successful in meeting a highly challenging goal that others thought you would not be able to accomplish.
  • Who set the goal and why was it challenging?
  • What obstacles did you face and how did you overcome them?
  • What was the result?
  1. Provide an example of when you had to quickly make a decision in an uncertain and changing situation.
  • What thought process did you use to make your decision?
  • Did you make the best decision?
  1. Your manager assigns you a client from a business culture with which you are unfamiliar. What would you do to build your relationship with this client?
  • What steps would you take to learn more about your client’s background and culture?
  • How would you ensure the client relationship was successful?
    接下来两题感觉是根据division来的,Since之前email说是可以通过application status来看是哪个division在review我的申请,然饿!!我的portal显示review申请的是engineering,怎么问的都是investment banking 的division 问题,我也是醉了呵呵呵呵
  1. Describe a current event (economics, politics etc) and how you would evaluate that as a Risk professional.
  2. You know Investment Banking has two divisions:client solutions and investing strategies.
    How would you align yourself with these roles?
    Walk us through evaluating how you would fit this position.

现在applicant portal里面也是说我们会和你update,然而已经过了很久还是没有update。。。。你们知道GS有多慢了
