
Given a map Map<String, List> userMap, where the key is a username and the value is a list of user’s songs.
Also given a map Map<String, List> genreMap, where the key is a genre and the value is a list of songs belonging to this genre.
The task is to return a map Map<String, List>, where the key is a username and the value is a list of the user’s favorite genres.

Example 1:

userMap = {
“David”: [“song1”, “song2”, “song3”, “song4”, “song8”],
“Emma”: [“song5”, “song6”, “song7”]
genreMap = {
“Rock”: [“song1”, “song3”],
“Dubstep”: [“song7”],
“Techno”: [“song2”, “song4”],
“Pop”: [“song5”, “song6”],
“Jazz”: [“song8”, “song9”]

Output: {
“David”: [“Rock”, “Techno”],
“Emma”: [“Pop”]

Example 2:

userMap = {
“David”: [“song1”, “song2”],
“Emma”: [“song3”, “song4”]
genreMap = {}

Output: {
“David”: [],
“Emma”: []

We can pre-compute the genres associated with song and create a songToGenresMap of type Map<String, List> where the key is a song and the value is a list of genres that the song satisfies.

Then, the statement reduces to:

  1. Iterate over each entry in the usersMap
  2. For each entry in the favoriteSongs list, get the genres from songToGenresMap and add genre to a genre Set associated to the user.
  3. If all songs have been streamed, make a new entry to the output Map after converting the set of genres to a map


“Emma”: [“song5”, “song6”, “song7”]
“Dubstep”: [“song7”],


“Emma”: [“Pop”]

Why does NOT Emma have “Dubstep”? Do I miss or misunderstand something in the description?


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“David”: [“Rock” twice, “Techno” twice] “Jazz” once
“Emma”: [“Pop” twice] “Dubstep” once

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Thanks for your advice.