Yelp New Grad 上门挂经

地点在 San Francisco

我没有实习经历,CS 小硕

OA是 Hackkerank challenge 参考 药铺 最新6道OA整理 + 详解 + 代码 , 考的是Business Location 那题
店面考了 Top K Frequent Words
Onsite 4 轮 - 两轮BQ,两轮技术面
猎头给的 theme 是 teamwork, individual, system design and coding
a. Teamwork interview - Asked questions regarding past teamwork, resolving conflicts, making decisions. Focused a lot on taking and giving criticism.
b. Individual - general interview focusing on past projects and asking small questions about what could’ve been better etc.
c. System design - Design a system so Yelp users can download their data (including posted photos and reviews). Discuss tradeoffs, technologies you would use, etc.
d. Coding - For two sets A and B, find A ∩ B / A ⋃ B.
