狗家的onsite系统设计 tread mill controller


A tread mill controller controls the hardware (motors and actuators) based on user inputs.
Assuming that the hardware controls (speed controls, inclination controls, start, stop,
emergency stop, heart rate sensor) and exercise calculations (calories burnt, max heart rate
based on user profile…) are provided as APIs, design the controller that supports the following

  1. Configure user profile based on age, sex, height, weight.
  2. Support pre-defined exercise programs(cardio, interval, performance)
    a. For example a cardio program will contain speed 5, inclination 2 for 10 seconds +
    speed 10, inclination 5 for 10 seconds.
  3. Support creation of custom programs
  4. Support save / retrieve custom programs
  5. Design for Safety:
    a. During program, monitor patient heart rate through sensor and stop program
    gracefully (not an ad-hoc kill) when the heart rate approaches max.
    b. Have an emergency stop * this should be highly performant (highlight the design
    considerations for this)
    Represent the design with appropriate views (static & dynamics views) and the above
    requirements mapped to different elements.