亚麻Lab 126上门挂经

office 在 Sunnyvale
lz有一年半经验在湾区的一个小startup,做的是Computer Vision Engineer
面的职位也是相关的,叫Software Engineer with Mobile ML/CV Background

Onsite 一共六轮

第一轮 1小时
面试官是 Data Science team lead,介绍我现在的startup, my role 等等.
然后是 OOD 设计 a email client

第二轮 (Bar raiser)
面试官在亚麻有14年经验但他不是在Lab 126的.
也是介绍我现在的startup, my role 等等

吃饭,一个 ML Scientist,说了下他的组的情况。也是介绍我现在的startup, my role 等等

面试官是 Senior software Engineer
也是介绍我现在的startup, my role 等等
聊了下 Ml Inference Pipeline 等等
Given an Array of numbers & a target value, return indexes of two numbers such that their Absolute difference is equal to target
I said brute force solution which takes O(n2) time.
Then I started discussing using hash map. He asked me to wirte the code. After that, He asked me to find some edges cases, for those my code won’t work.
If found a edge case, the problem is I am using abs(array[i]-target) as key for look up. Interviewer said use array[i]+target or array[i]-target as look up, then I realised my mistake.
He asked, how to solve if there are duplicates ?

Then basic DS questions, Array vs linked lists, hash set vs hash map & how do use pair (x,y) (x,y are integer) for a look up ?

Tell me a time, when you delivered good quality to coustmer,
After that their is some discussion about ML binary classifier & He asked me how did you choose thresolds?
I said I ploted ROC curve etc.,

Given two date D1 & D2, find number of dates, months in between them
Ex: given JAN 18 2018 , MARCH 19 2018
output: 1 day 2 months.
I started with counting number of dates & then converting back to date-month. He said don’t make it complex, use basic arithmetic, write the code & don’t worry about edge cases. I wrote the code. He asked to take some examples & go through the code. He asked about edges cases & said don’t need to code. I said the method.

面试官是 Technical manager / lead.
也是介绍我现在的startup, my role 等等
问了 BQ

  • How did you implement custom layer ( I did this at my current company & added to my resume).
  • How to prune neural network?
  • How did you deploy deep learning model on mobile phone ? ( I did this at my current company & added to my resume)
  • Why Amazon ?
  • Why are you looking for new job ?
  • Tell me time when you disagreed with your manager?
  • Tell me time when you had a conflict with a team member?

面试官是 Senior ML Engineer和 Software engineer两个人
也是介绍我现在的startup, my role 等等
问了 how to prune, compress neural network还有Tensorflow Lite 等

然后是 Software Engineer,第二个人, 她好像是 new grad.
上题 https://leetcode.com/problems/first-missing-positive/ (Hard)
She asked to solve in linear time & using constant memory. I did this on leetcode long time ago. I coudn’t able to recall the approach. she started giving hints & explained the process. Then she asked me to write the code. I toook other example & solved by hand. I worte the code. I did some mistakes & while I am trying to correct. Both Interviewers said, thats ok & time up.

4天后告知挂了,猎头说need to improve DS, Algo skills & have to wait for 1 year to reapply.