

/* Problem Name is &&& Train Map &&& PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE. */


* Instructions to candidate.
* 1. Run this code in the REPL to observe its behaviour. The
* execution entry point is main().
* 2. Consider adding some additional tests in doTestsPass().
* 3. Implement def shortestPath(self, fromStationName, toStationName)
* method to find shortest path between 2 stations
* 4. If time permits, some possible follow-ups.

Visual representation of the Train map used

   King's Cross St Pancras --- Angel ---- Old Street
   |                   \                            |
   |                    \                            |
   |                     \                            |
   Russell Square         Farringdon --- Barbican --- Moorgate
   |                                                  /
   |                                                 /
   |                                                /
   Holborn --- Chancery Lane --- St Paul's --- Bank

import java.util.*;

public class Solution {
   * class Station
   * <p>
   * Respresents Station in the rail network. Each station is identified by
   * unique name. Station is connected with other stations - this information
   * is stored in the 'neighbours' field. Two station objects with the same name are
   * equal therefore they are considered to be same station.
  private static class Station {
    private String name;
    private List<Station> neighbours;

    public Station(String name) {
      this.name = name;
      this.neighbours = new ArrayList<>(3);

    String getName() {
      return name;

    void addNeighbour(Station v) {

    List<Station> getNeighbours() {
      return this.neighbours;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
      return obj instanceof Station && this.name.equals(((Station) obj).getName());

    public int hashCode() {
      return Objects.hash(this.name);

   * class TrainMap
   * <p>
   * Respresents whole rail network - consists of number of the Station objects.
   * Stations in the map are bi-directionally connected. Distance between any 2 stations
   * is of same constant distance unit. This implies that shortest distance between any
   * 2 stations depends only on number of stations in between
  private static class TrainMap {

    private HashMap<String, Station> stations;

    public TrainMap() {
      this.stations = new HashMap<>();

    public TrainMap addStation(String name) {
      Station s = new Station(name);
      this.stations.putIfAbsent(name, s);
      return this;

    public Station getStation(String name) {
      return this.stations.get(name);

    public TrainMap connectStations(Station fromStation, Station toStation) {
      if (fromStation == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("From station is null");
      if (toStation == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("From station is null");
      return this;

    public List<Station> shortestPath(String from, String to) {
     * TODO Implement
      return Collections.emptyList();

    public static String convertPathToStringRepresentation(List<Station> path) {
      if (path.isEmpty()) {
        return "";
      return path.stream().map(Station::getName).reduce((s1, s2) -> s1 + "->" + s2).get();

  public static boolean doTestsPass() {
    // todo: implement more tests, please
    // feel free to make testing more elegant
    TrainMap trainMap = new TrainMap();

    trainMap.addStation("King's Cross St Pancras").addStation("Angel").addStation("Old Street").addStation("Moorgate")
        .addStation("Farringdon").addStation("Barbican").addStation("Russel Square").addStation("Holborn")
        .addStation("Chancery Lane").addStation("St Paul's").addStation("Bank");

    trainMap.connectStations(trainMap.getStation("King's Cross St Pancras"), trainMap.getStation("Angel"))
        .connectStations(trainMap.getStation("King's Cross St Pancras"), trainMap.getStation("Farringdon"))
        .connectStations(trainMap.getStation("King's Cross St Pancras"), trainMap.getStation("Russel Square"))
        .connectStations(trainMap.getStation("Russel Square"), trainMap.getStation("Holborn"))
        .connectStations(trainMap.getStation("Holborn"), trainMap.getStation("Chancery Lane"))
        .connectStations(trainMap.getStation("Chancery Lane"), trainMap.getStation("St Paul's"))
        .connectStations(trainMap.getStation("St Paul's"), trainMap.getStation("Bank"))
        .connectStations(trainMap.getStation("Angel"), trainMap.getStation("Old Street"))
        .connectStations(trainMap.getStation("Old Street"), trainMap.getStation("Moorgate"))
        .connectStations(trainMap.getStation("Moorgate"), trainMap.getStation("Bank"))
        .connectStations(trainMap.getStation("Farringdon"), trainMap.getStation("Barbican"))
        .connectStations(trainMap.getStation("Barbican"), trainMap.getStation("Moorgate"));

    String solution = "King's Cross St Pancras->Russel Square->Holborn->Chancery Lane->St Paul's";

    return solution.equals(TrainMap.convertPathToStringRepresentation(trainMap.shortestPath("King's Cross St Pancras", "St Paul's")));
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    if (doTestsPass()) {
      System.out.println("All tests pass");
    } else {
      System.out.println("Tests fail.");