亚麻SDE2 西雅图过经

面的是 SDE2,或者L5


L6 店面
面试官是 senior

  • LP: Describe your most impactful project.
  • https://leetcode.com/problems/trapping-rain-water/
  • 我真的很喜欢这个面试官,感觉他非常厉害。这次面试也很顺利。然而,面试官并不认为我达到senior级别,我很失望。猎头问我是否可以面 SDE2,我同意了。

Onsite 第一轮: Design Question (By a manager)

  • LP: Give me an example of when you showed initiative and took the lead.
  • LP: Tell me about one of your recent projects.
  • Design LinkedIn.
  • It went well, I think. The interviewer was not very responsive, so it was hard for me to tell if he liked the solution or not.

Onsite 第二轮: Coding (By a manager)

Onsite 第三轮: Coding (Bar Raiser)

  • LP: Tell me about a decision for which data and analysis weren’t sufficient to provide the right course and you had to rely on your judgment and instincts.
  • LP: Tell me about a time when you were wrong.
  • https://leetcode.com/problems/first-unique-character-in-a-string/
  • Followup: What if instead of a string it is a continuous stream. Can you return the 1st unique char at a given time? (meaning can you do it in one pass?) I did it using a queue.
  • https://leetcode.com/problems/implement-strstr/
  • Followup: How to make the implementation O(n)?
  • Followup: What if the big string is sorted.
  • It went really really well.

Onsite 第四轮: Coding (Senior Engineer)

  • LP: Tell me about a time when you had to step up and disagree with a team members approach.
  • LP: If your direct manager was instructing you to do something you disagreed with, how would you handle it?
  • It was a open ended question, similar to https://leetcode.com/problems/reorder-log-files/ . I was having hard time understanding what the interviewer wanted. At the end, I came up with a resonable solution and the interviewer seemed to be ok with it.
  • I ended up getting an offer for the team of this interviewer. So, I guess it was not as bad as I thought.


Offer 细节: $210K ($155K base/$50K bonus/ rest stock). 一样也是4年的RSU。 猎头告诉我,他们可以加到24万美元。我拒绝了这个offer,因为它低于我的期望。





